injury Rehabilitation CLINIC in Cheltenham

physiotherapist treating a woman for a knee injury

Achieve long-term results with rehabilitation

At our Cheltenham sports rehabilitation clinic our therapists help patients recover after injury from a wide range of car, sports or work-related accidents. Our mission is to relieve patients’ pain, and help them get back quickly to the activities that they like doing best.  Our focus on rehabilitation at our sport recovery centre is what stands us apart from other local physiotherapists. Through a mixture of gym work, at-home exercises and Pilates, your recovery physio will work with you on recovery after injury to strengthen the muscles and tissues around your injured or painful area, with the aim of striking the perfect balance between exertion and rest to maximise your recovery progress.

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Importance of rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is an important process that helps people recover from injuries that affect their ability to function in their everyday lives. Physiotherapy can help kickstart your recovery and get you relief from pain, but it's the addition of quality rehabilitation afterwards that will get you back to feeling 100% again, and even reduce your risk of future injury. 

Rehabilitation should start as soon as possible to speed up recovery. Research shows it can improve your mobility and activity levels, shorten the amount of time you need to stay off work and greatly improve the quality of your life.

woman doing exercise on her back
women doing exercise

Regaining strength and flexibility

When injury occurs, there is almost always some associated loss of the ability to move normally. It is common for post-injury or post-surgery flexibility to be reduced as a result of pain, swelling, muscle guarding, or spasm; and shortening of connective tissue and muscle; loss of neuromuscular control; or some combination of these factors. 

Restoring normal range of motion (ROM) following injury is one of the primary goals in any rehabilitation program.  Whether it's a joint, muscle, or bone injury, our quality rehabilitation can help you regain strength, flexibility, and range of motion to the affected area, either in the treatment room, at home or on the gym floor.

Reducing pain and discomfort

Quality rehabilitation can help reduce pain and discomfort after an injury or surgery. By using a combination of targeted exercises and other techniques, our specialised rehabilitation therapists can give you advice on the right type of exercise and activity to help you feel and move better so you can get back to your normal activities with ease.

For patients that are involved in sports, rehabilitation represents the start of the conditioning process needed to return to sports training and competition. Understanding the demands of the particular sport becomes essential as well as communication with the coach. This phase also represents an opportunity to identify and correct risk factors, thus reducing the possibility of re-injury.

Strengthening will transition from general exercises to sport-specific exercises designed to replicate movements common in given sports. It is essential that the rehabilitation and training is sufficiently vigorous to prepare your injured tissue for the demands of your specific sport.

woman doing a stretching exercise
man doing rehabilitation exercise in the gym

Treated as an individual

Each person responds differently to an injury and therefore this also applies to rehabilitation. Unique differences in injury and body type can change your experience and response to different rehabilitation approaches. There’s rarely a suitable one-size fits-all solution that you can downloaded from the internet, which is why seeking professional support is so important.

By incorporating gym-based exercises, our therapists can provide you with a wide range of equipment and resources necessary to address your specific needs. Your individual exercise plan ensures that you receive targeted rehabilitation, focusing on strengthening the affected area, improving mobility, and restoring function at a speed that suits you, and your specific goals best.

review quote
“Straight back Physio has helped me enormously over the years with various niggles I’ve picked up playing squash. They find and address the problem quickly, then set a fantastic programme where I come away feeling stronger than before I got injured. Great physios - would highly recommend.”   
Matt, Google review

Book now

Our rehab centre in Cheltenham physiotherapists have the expertise to help you recover from your sports injury, and be even stronger than before.

We understand that some people may want to find out a bit more about the cost before they book an appointment at our physiotherapy clinic. Our unique save as you recover packages can save you up to 20% on the cost of a single session.

For most injuries our chartered physio can usually treat you within 4 to 8 sessions.

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We can either work directly with your insurance company or we can provide receipts for patients who use cash-based plans so you can reclaim your treatment costs.

Not Insured

You can book an appointment on a self referral basis, without the need for seeing your GP first.

Why Choose Us

No other local physiotherapy clinic can offer you the same level of physiotherapy and rehabilitation that we can, simply because they don't have our level of experience and our in-house gym facilities. 

This is how we gained our reputation of treating patients when other physios may have failed.

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